Control Your Manufacturing Performance

Control Your Manufacturing Performance


Real-time CONTROL of your Manufacturing

Highlight performance issues in real-time; enabling the right response

The start of any Continuous Improvement journey is to get better CONTROL of your processes by highlighting issues in real-time and enabling the right response from your manufacturing teams.

Our Methodology, The Science of Manufacturing, is a set of 10 proven principles, combining technical innovation with a focus on people and culture. In this short video, Andrew Rice, Operational Excellence (Op Ex) OEE Specialist, OEEsystems International, discusses how PerformOEE™ Smart Factory Software, combined with our Science of Manufacturing Methodology gives you control of your manufacturing processes.

By combining PerformOEE™ Smart Factory OEE Software and some of the principles from our Science of Manufacturing Methodology you will see a significant “step” change in productivity and build a solid foundation for the future. Manufacturers that work with us typically achieve between 7.6% - 11.2% productivity improvement and gain better control of their manufacturing performance.

The Science of Manufacturing | OEEsystems

For example, the One Team principle (Principle #2) encourages your Manufacturing teams to be better prepared to react when real-time issues arise and be more pro-active and engaged, ensuring issues are eliminated or managed more effectively. This principle also provides your team with a clear understanding of OpEx OEE (Operational Excellence). The One Version principle (Principle #3) is delivered by our Smart Factory OEE Software PerformOEE™. Presenting facts not opinions, it becomes the trusted source of truth for all stakeholders.

PerformOEE™ delivers a strong real-time Visual Factory, accessible to all. This improved real-time visibility combined with our detailed analytics presents what we term the Whole Story (Principle #4) of your manufacturing process - not just individual pieces of equipment or elements within the process. With PerformOEE™ your stakeholders will be reaping the benefits of the Follow the Data principle (Principle #5) which ensures that the right action is taken to address the right issues so that a significant and sustainable productivity improvement is achieved.

Taking Control of your Manufacturing Performance with our Smart Factory OEE software is a vital step in your OpEx OEE Continuous Improvement journey. It gives you the most solid of foundations to further Improve and Transform your Manufacturing Operations.

Our customers agree, combining our PerformOEE Smart Factory OEE Software with our Science of Manufacturing Methodology instils the confidence & enthusiasm needed to progress your business further.

PerformOEE - Smart Factory OEE Software


We work with the world’s most progressive manufacturing companies to increase capacity, reduce costs and drive continuous improvement.

Our unique record of combining our Smart Factory Software PerformOEE™ & our Science of Manufacturing Methodology, delivers powerful visualisation, analysis and real-time control of your manufacturing processes.

To start your OEE Journey with us today simply click here and request a demo today.